Monday, April 30, 2007

Hectic timez of semester 1

This week has been hectic, not to mention very stressful. And it isnt over yet. I had two mid-sem tests, 1 jumbo-sized essay due (2moro) and the functional spec for IE due on Thursday. We tried our best to finish the functional spec last thursday, but due to the other commitments of team members, we had to extend the deadline until this coming Thursday (an example of a schedule overrun). Also, in 15 minutes, I will be getting the marks for the accounting mid-sem test I did last Friday….I’m dreading the result, because the average was apparently 13 out of 30!!!. Just praying that I get more!

With regards to our project, I have emailed Andrew requesting another meeting on Friday. I emailed him last Thursday, but I’m still awaiting his reply. Other than that, the functional specification (at least a draft version) will most likely be ready by this Thursday. It is highly unlikely that it will be 100 percent complete, because there is a lot of things to cover, including explaining in great detail, using diagrams and tables and showing relationships between entities and so on. One of the problems we faced with this deliverable was whether to design the proposed system the way the client wanted it, or the way we wanted it. Just to refresh your memory, the design we proposed to the client involved a great deal of normalisation. However, the client rejected this proposal and only a very small portion of the database was allowed to be altered. Given the circumstances, we decided that it is best to design the proposed system according to the client’s preferences. This is because we had no other choice and didn’t want to put excessive force and pressure on our clients, in getting them to comply with our proposal.

I met up with Aaron today at the IE lecture (yes, Aaron, because he seems to be the only one in my team other than me who rocks up to the IE lecture every week) Ishi, Tar and Thusiya need to make more of an effort to rock up on Tuesdays I reckon. This way I can save money when trying to get in touch with them (i.e. using mobiles to ring them and asking for an update on progress every week…other than in the studios on Thursdays of course). So I’m gonna call ‘em up tonite and ask them for the reasons of not rocking up. They better be good reasons! I will ensure they will turn up next week, because I would hate for this to become a weekly habit of them avoiding the IE lecture, as there are some valuable hints and ideas given at this lecture that can be used within the project. I think everyone can benefit to some degree by attending the lecture.

Other than that, I was a bit sick during the past week (as in coughing and runny nose and uurrrgghh!!! annoying when I get sick! It hasn’t impacted our work a great deal though, although sometimes I tend to slow down my pace of work. Also, I tend to drift off to sleep at night much earlier than I would normally sleep. Therefore, I have started eating more and more apples!!! (At least one a day….hoping it would keep the doctor away)…hahaha….lol….Please ignore my lame homour!

Anyways, that’s it for now. Cya next time :)


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