Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's official...the client has SIGNED-OFF!

yes u heard right...REHAB Tech has officially signed the agreement on the acceptance criteria and the database design, hence allowing us to build the system. The meeting went for about an hour this time....fairly quick compared to last time. So we hav to give them a copy of the agreement by next week now. Overall, they seemed pretty impressed with the way we hav been working on the project and it was gud to finally get some closure that they hav formally accepted the design criteria. Other than that, hopefully we will have MySQL installed on the K block labs, in order for us to make a more productive start. Dave is currently looking into that.

Other than that, I have to write a 1500 word essay by not this wednesday but next wednesday for Consumer Behaviour (a marketing elective). I shud really get a start on that...tomorrow!!

Our project plan has had a few changes to it over the past three weeks or so, due to a few changing circumstances. Other than than, no other major events to report on this week for IE. It has been a smooth run, (besides the client sign-off)....there fore, this will be a very brief

The time now is 1.20 am and I have to get up 2moro at 7.30am to get to work by yes i shud really get some sleep.

Therefore, nite nite...cya next time. :)

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